Introducing Bittersweet – Our Newest Heirloom Cider

We’re excited to announce that our newest Heirloom cider, Bittersweet is hitting the shelves of you liquor store!

Get to know Bittersweet!

Product Description:
Bittersweet apples are the backbone of traditional English cider and are some of the rarest apples in Bittersweet-New LabelCanada. We grow several of these prized varietals, which can be heart breaking to grow, yet produce some of the world’s finest cider. Our Bittersweet cider is an off-dry sparkler expressing the classic phenolic character of this coveted fruit. Raise a glass of Sea Cider to a bittersweet tradition!

The Story Behind Bittersweet:
Sea Cider’s Bittersweet is a cider truly rooted in tradition. Dabinetts, Yarlington Mills and other English bittersweets have been patiently cultivated on Sea Cider’s farm to bring you this rare libation. While most people would consider bittersweet apples inedible in a culinary sense, their bitter flavour imparts a cider full of character. These apples are high in tannin, low in acid and provide the classic flavour of the finest English ciders. Enthusiasm for these varietals and their importance in cider making apples goes back to the 13th century!

In a market increasingly dominated with ciders made from dessert apples, Bittersweet brings the classic phenolic character that can only come from the true cider-making apples of yesteryear.

Suggested Food Pairings:
Tannins have a drying effect and may be perceived as enhancing the spiciness or acidity of a dish. This can be offset by increasing the sweetness in a dish or bumping up the richness of the dish. For main dishes try rich meats such as pork belly, barbecued ribs or sausage or for cheese try camembert or cheddar.

Tasting Notes:
Clear, bright, amber
Phenolic, spicy, cut apple, orchard leaves
Soft astringency, gently effervescent

Look for Bittersweet at your favourite premium liquor store starting right now!